Living in a modern era seems like our lives have never been busier. Fatigue, burn out, physical & mental challenges to deal with. Well, haven’t they become a generic part of life today?
Amidst giving ourselves to other people, our jobs, to pressure, we naturally tend to feel overwhelmed.
What if we told you, there are ways to curb it all, to have your life under control?
First and Foremost, Grab; Your ‘Me’ Time
Think about it… when was the last time you thought about your own wishes?
Something as simple as deciding to skip out on a regular outing with friends & having a movie marathon instead? Grab your “ME” time & reflect upon what thoughts come in your way.
Introspect deep within because your ‘Time to Reinforce’ is Now. And ‘Self-Efficacy’ will definitely play a crucial role in shaping our beliefs & perceptions on the world around us.
Before we start with the Mantras to a Healthier life, ask your self these questions:
Am I healthy & happy right now?
Am I satisfied with where I am at today?
Are lifestyle changes important to incorporate?
Are impediments getting in my way to achieving goals?
Whosoever said “Health is Wealth” knows exactly why it is essential. When one lacks good health, peripheral things suffer. And good health always gives us a sense of satisfaction and meaning.
Here are a few things to uptake and monitor your progress regularly.
- Walking: Everybody loves to be a couch potato. It all looks good in the present. But, how sustainable is it in the long run? Studies suggest that majorly, occupational sitting time is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, obesity, and many more. So, walk and let walk. We hope you’ve heard about our latest Muse Cue which will help keep track of the number of steps you’ve walked.
- Workout: Are you someone who follows fitness influencers and wishes to achieve a dream body someday? Take that one leap and start working towards the goals you’ve set for yourself. Remember, winners do not do anything differently; They only do things differently. Come what may set aside 20 minutes a day for your exercises. If not you, no one else will take care of your health. There is no substitute for hard work and it is applicable for workouts too.
- Meditation: In the past couple of decades, many emerging scientists have focused on unfolding Mindfulness - A collection of practices to help cultivate moment-to-moment contextual awareness of ourselves and the environment we are in. Ideally, we should take 10 minutes off of your busy schedule, exist & just be… Because ultimately we are human beings & not human doings.
- Intuitive eating: In the end, we are what we eat. Incorporate a lot of greens, plant protein & mineral-rich food. Binge eating is a major issue now, paired with binge-watching. A tip to be followed is, do not have any diversions while eating. Make sure to use all your senses while you perform the activity. Prominently, your metabolism will better, senses will be more active and you will enjoy your food more.
- DIY Infusions: It’s new in! Want to avoid being affected by viruses? Ginger infusion is your go-to! Mix and match healthy ingredients and make sure to consume it warm. These infusions or tea will help maintain a good temperature!
- Sleeping: Listen to what your biological clock is telling you. Get your beauty and health sleep thoroughly.
- Play Any Sport: A heart can be healthier by keeping the body active. Inculcate one sport that not only requires intellectual but also physical involvement. Wear your Cue with pride and let it do its job of tracking all your vitals righteously.
Oh! We almost forgot to tell you what the 8 in 7.8 Wellness Routines is;
8 Glasses of H20 on an average is what a body usually asks.
Water helps in maintaining better O2 levels which is exactly what the Muse Cue tracks. That doesn’t mean overdo it. Moderation is your ultimate key to a balanced life. Let your Cue give you Cues when essential.
If you liked the read, kindly share this with your closed circle.
Wishing you a Happier and Healthier Life.
17 thoughts on “7.8 Wellness Routines With Your Personal Guardian in It”
] Ultocasuc
] Ultocasuc